Frontier and the Great Society. They attacked and tore down every firewall that Roosevelt had erected to prevent another national financial meltdown. Under both Reagan and Bush they ran up deficits on purpose so as David Stockman said, to cut off the oxygen to social programs that they did not have the votes to kill. By creating huge deficits, they could reduce social spending without leaving any tell-tale fingerprints. It is no accident that Bush the younger took the surplus he inherited and gave it to the rich in the form of tax cuts, and an unnecessary and destructive war in Iraq, which benefitted his allies in the defense contracting community and oil and gas industry while running up deficits that are unprecedented in American history. They did it on purpose. Thirteen pages represent the sum total of Republican ideas about everything from credit default swaps to housing foreclosures and millions of jobs lost. Thirteen pages represent their new ideas about how to handle this crisis. While they ran the Congress and the White House they expanded government, engaged in foreign adventures, ran up deficits and deregulated and encouraged a financial system that rewarded greed and avarice and attacked anyone who dared to say the emperor had no clothes. Thirteen pages represents the party most closely identified with a free market capitalist system that has completely failed. Thirteen pages represents their attacks on the President which can be summarized as "...he is spending too much, regulating too much, taxing too much, running up the deficits too much and expanding government too much. They defend the capitalism that has wrecked the global economy and attacked Obama's ideas about re-regulation , national health care and a new energy strategy as rampant socialism. Thirteen pages represents the intellectual candle power of this political party which left this nation in shambles after eight years of stewardship. Maybe it's time that Rush becomes the new head of the party. Thirteen pages will guarantee that Obama fails. There are plenty of places to criticize the President and his ideas. Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman says he doesn't go far enough. Democratic Senator Kent Conrad, chairman of the Budget Committee, says he goes too far. But thirteen pages...
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